Monday, November 10, 2014

Short Script, Sweeper vs. Vacuum

                                                               Midday, In our Home
                                                        I enter the house to find my son, Tilo,
                                                      sweeping our carpet with a broom 

Me: " Hey son, what'cha doin there?

Tilo: I'm sweeping the floor.

Me:" I can see that. Why aren't you using the vacuum cleaner?"

Tilo: "I don't know. Josh just said to sweep the floor."

Me: "Why on earth would he say that? Is the vacuum cleaner broken?"

Tilo: "I dunno."

                                                 I go to the bedroom to find my husband Josh

Me: "Hun?"

Josh: "Yesss?

Me: "Why did you tell Tilo to sweep the floor?"

Josh: "Cuz, its dirty."

Me: "Why can't he just use the vacuum cleaner?"

Josh: "Why isn't he using it?"

Me: "Because you told him to sweep it."

Josh: "Yes, yes I did. I told him to use the sweeper."

Me: "By sweeper you mean use the...."

Josh: "I mean to use the sweeper and sweep the floor!"

Me: "Now I'm confused!"

Josh: "The sweeper is the vacuum cleaner."

Me: "Seriously? Why would you call it that?"

Josh: "I don't know. That's what my family calls it."

Me: "Oh good grief! Tilo, get the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the floor!"


  1. Ha! I get the impression this isn't far from a real scenario in your house. Miscommunication is a great conflict catalyst.

  2. This did actually happen a few years ago and he still calls the vacuum cleaner a sweeper. His family and I all pick on each other for the way we talk. I still believe ruff is something the dog says not what's on top of the house.
